“Dogs come when they’re called. Cats take a message and get back to you.” Mary Bly
“Reigning Cats and Dogs” is a love-of-life, all medium juried exhibition of original and unique 2D and 3D artworks celebrating dogs and cats! Work must include either a dog or cat to be considered. Works can comprise other subject matters, but the principal theme should be dogs or cats — or both. All artwork styles and mediums are welcome. Photography will not be included in the exhibit.
Entry Fee
The $40 entry fee covers up to three submissions.
Artwork submitted does not guarantee inclusion in the exhibit.
“Reigning Cats and Dogs” will be included in the Arts Council for Monterey County’s Open Studios Art Tour on October 12 and 13, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Artwork Requirements
Artwork must be ready to hang or pedestal-ready on arrival at the Cherry Center.
No sawtooth hangers.
Paintings may be no larger than 32” x 32” inches, nor weigh more than 50 pounds.
Size and weight restrictions may be waived by contacting the Gallery Director directly prior to submission.
If you have a question regarding qualification of your artwork, please email [email protected]. This is an in-person exhibition. The artwork will also be featured digitally on the Cherry Center’s website.
All accepted works must arrive by the artwork delivery deadline (August 21, 2024).
Hand-Delivered Artwork
Hand delivered works are accepted through pre-arrangement; please contact: [email protected]. The Carl Cherry Center is open Wednesday through Saturday from 12 to 4 p.m., or by appointment. Hand deliveries must fall within that time range.
Artwork Pick Up
Works can be picked up Monday, October 21st through Wednesday October 23rd between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. Please pick up your work as soon as possible - storage space is limited! $10 per day charge for storage after October 24th.
Shipped Artwork
Artwork can be shipped via Fedex or UPS to the following address:
Carl Cherry Center for the Arts Northwest Corner of 4th and Guadalupe Carmel, CA 93921
The United States Postal Service (USPS) does not deliver to or pick up from Carmel by the Sea addresses. Artists must issue pre-paid return labels for their works through UPS or FedEx only. Pre-paid labels allow us to call for pick up, as the Center’s insurance does not cover transporting work offsite to local shipping companies. Shipped work is generally sent out by the following Wednesday after the last day of the show.
1st Place: $300
2nd Place: $200
3rd Place: $150
Three Honorable Mentions
Work must be for sale; NFS is not allowed.
Gallery Commission: Carl Cherry Center commission on sales is 60/40 (60% artist, 40% the Carl Cherry Center).
About Carl Cherry Center
As a community art center, the Carl Cherry Center proudly serves the greater Monterey County area by connecting the community with the visual arts, literature and science. A non-profit 501c (3) organization, the Cherry Center offers both youth and adult art programs and classes, exhibits that provide the public a broader exposure to many local and national arts, music, literature, film and theater.
Jim Dultz is an Oscar nominated, Emmy award winning, motion picture and television production designer/art director for over 35 years. His credits include “What Dreams May Come,” “Flatliners,” “Team America: World Police” and “Muppets Tonight,” among others. In 2005, he was invited to join the Academy of Motion Pictures as a voting member. Jim has spent many years on the boards of non-profit arts organizations in both Los Angeles and on the Monterey Peninsula, and now Chairs the Exhibition Committee at the Carl Cherry Center for the Arts.
Ellen Osborne was a film major at San Francisco State University, whose first documentary, “Clowning Around,” won her a Student Academy Award. Her next documentary, “Blossoms of Fire,” won multiple international awards. She was the co-founder and executive director of the prestigious “Taos Talking Picture Festival” from 1990- 2000 and curated the film submissions. Currently, Ellen has been making her own short animated films, submitting them to film festivals all over the world and winning festival awards.
Kris Swanson is a celebrated bronze sculptor, as well as the founder and director of Washington DC’s “Corner Store,” a vibrant non-profit art studio, gallery and performance space, from 2002-2022. She ran many of the workshops and curated all the exhibitions and events there. Her many public art commissions include the 16’ bronze “Cowboy” sculpture, installed for the opening of the Salinas Sports Center and two life-sized bronze “California Grizzlies,” installed on the grounds of Monterey, California’s original Constitution Hall.
Robin Winfield has been working in mixed media for over 35 years and has shown her photo/paintings in galleries and museums all around the country. She opened her own gallery in 2009 in Carmel, CA (where she says her little dog Louie is a wonderful assistant.) Robin has judged several photography competitions throughout the Monterey Peninsula, as well as given lectures at the Monterey Museum of Art, Central Coast Art Association and the Steinbeck Library, among others. She is currently the Carl Cherry Center’s Board President.
For questions about this Prospectus or Carl Cherry Center for the Arts, please contact [email protected].
Additional Notification Information
Notifications will be emailed and posted in your ShowSubmit account by the end of the day on August 7, 2024.
You may view the notification in your ShowSubmit account by logging in and clickingtapping the Notifications at the top right of the screen, or in your Entry History.
If you do not receive your email, login and view the notification in your account. We cannot respond to inquiries regarding the status of notifications.
Note: Entries made prior to 2023 may not display the View Notification link.
Image and Filename Specifications
File Format: Submit original, high-quality JPEG image files. Other formats (e.g., PNG, TIFF) are not accepted.
Crop Your Image: Ensure only the artwork itself is visible in the image. Do not show any visible matting, frames, or background distractions.
Orientation: Make sure your image is oriented correctly (right side up) so that the artwork appears in its intended viewing direction.
Image Size: You do not need to resize your image files before uploading. The system will automatically resize them. Smaller images cannot be enlarged to meet the requirements, so ensure your images are high resolution before uploading.
File Names: You do not need to rename your files before uploading them. The system will handle any file naming requirements.
File Size: There is a 30mb maximum file size limit. Larger image files will take longer to upload and process.
Image and Filename Specifications
For those curious, or in need of more detailed information regarding our image and file specifications, please see the following:
File Format: Submit original JPEG (JPG) image files. For the best results, ensure your files use the sRGB color profile.
Cropping: Crop your image to include only the artwork itself. Do not include the mat, frame, or any background.
Image Dimensions:
Images should be at least 1500 pixels on the longest edge.
The file size must be no larger than 30 MB. Large files may take longer to upload and process.
Smaller images cannot be enlarged to meet the requirements. Small images will be saved as is and may not display well in the jury panel, which could affect their review or lead to disqualification.
Ensure your images are high resolution before uploading.
Automatic Resizing:
ShowSubmit automatically resizes images to 300 DPI and 1500 pixels on the longest edge if they exceed the specifications.
If your images already meet the exact show specifications, they will not be resized.
File Naming:
You do not need to rename your image files.
Files are automatically renamed using your last name, first initial and the title of the work. e.g. Hamby_D_BeautifulDay.jpg
Quality Tips:
Use your camera’s highest quality setting to capture the image.
Ensure the artwork is well-lit and avoid glare from glass.
Use a tripod for stability and crop out any parts of the photo that are not the artwork.
Additional Entry Information
You will pay for your entry by credit or debit card using our secure checkout system.
After your entry is submitted and paid for, you may log back in to review your entry, edit artist and image information, and add or substitute images up until the entry deadline (July 15, 2024.)
Entry fees are not refundable and must be submitted and paid by the entry deadline.
Entries cannot be accepted or changed after the deadline. Incomplete entries will be disqualified.
Need Assistance? For questions about the entry process or using this website, please check our Help Center or Entry Guide first for detailed guides and troubleshooting tips. Most answers can be found there quickly.
If you still need help, feel free to email ShowSubmit Support at [email protected], and we’ll respond between 9am and 6pm Eastern Time, Monday to Friday.
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