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2024 Fall Open Juried Exhibition
August 29 – October 5, 2024 |Sewell Mill Cultural Center, Marietta, GA

Deadline for entry has passed.
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Exhibition Location
Richard T. Scott, a Georgia native, is a Contemporary Classical painter, writer, and educator working in New York’s Hudson Valley with his talented partner and still-life painter Jordan Baker. Richard’s work is in permanent collections worldwide. His work has been displayed at the New Britain Museum of American Art; the Georgia Museum of Art; the MEAM (European Museum of Modern Art), Barcelona; the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sicily; and Adoro Museum, Philippines. His work is also in collections of former British Arts Minister Alan Howarth of Newport, Philip Anschutz (Sea Island Resort), President Bill Clinton, and Robert C. Kennedy.
Richard has designed coins and medals for the United States Mint. He won first place in the Portrait Society of Atlanta’s Fall Juried Exhibition and was a featured artist at the Edward Hopper house as well as at Olana, the estate of Frederic Edwin Church. He has been in ducted as a “Living Master” by the Art Renewal Center and was honored as one of “40 under 40” outstanding alumni from the University of Georgia. He is producer and host of the artist interview show “Outside the Lines”. In 2006, Richard was selected to participate in the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s copyist program.
Richard graduated from the University of Georgia with a BFA in painting. After earning an MFA in painting at the New York Academy of Art, Richard worked as a painter for Jeff Koons, and subsequently apprenticed to Odd Nerdrum in Norway and Paris, where Richard became chief instructor of the Nerdrum School. Richard has given lectures and taught workshops at prestigious institutions such as the Tyler School of Art, the Florence Academy of Art, the University of Georgia, the Lyme Academy, Laguna College of Art and Design, the Salmagundi Club, the Wethersfield Academy for the Arts, and the Arts Center in Orange, VA. His interviews, writing, and art have been featured on National Public Radio, Public Radio International, and in numerous national and international publications and books.
For more information on our juror, visit:
Entry Fees
- Members of PSA entry fee $35 for the first piece and $5 for each additional piece up to 3 pieces.
- Non members of PSA $45 for the first piece and $5 for each additional piece up to 3 pieces.
- Entry fees are nonrefundable whether they are juried into the show or not.
Artist Eligibility
- This Exhibition is open to all artists; Portrait Society of Atlanta (herein, PSA) members and non-members.
- Exhibiting members at the Juried Member level and higher are permitted to display business cards, and QR codes (linked to their website).
Work Eligibility
- Entries must be original, 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional fine art portraiture.
- Entrants may submit up to three (3) entries.
- No digital reproductions of originals (glicée, canvas prints, etc), copies, or student/class work are permitted.
- No photography or paintings-over-photographs.
- No nudes.
- Portraits must contain a human person, and at least an ear, eye or nose. Pets are acceptable only when accompanying a human.
- Entries must NOT have been exhibited in a PSA exhibition in the last 2 years; ever won first place in any previous PSA exhibition; or have been displayed in more than 2 prior PSA exhibitions. Exceptions are the Advisory Board contributions that are not juried. There is no limit on the when an artwork was created.
- Size limitations including frames: Minimum of at least 10”, and may not exceed 40” in either width or height.
- All paintings must be ready for hanging, with wire in place, in an appropriate gallery frame or gallery wrapped canvas.
- No sawtooth hangers will be accepted.
- Accepted works need to include identification on a 3” x 5” card on the back, stating: Title, Artist’s Name, Medium, Size, Email Address, Cell Phone number, and Price, if for sale. If the artwork is Not for Sale (NFS), then state this along with the declared value. All art must have a declared value, even NFS work.
- Works submitted to any PSA show MUST be displayed for the duration of the show – no substitutes and no early removal. Please inform your client of the dates for which a borrowed work will be on view.
- Any artist who is unable to provide a painting that has been juried into a show will be penalized by not being able to enter the next exhibition.
Exhibitions Chair Contact
PLEASE NOTE: The Portrait Society of Atlanta exhibition committee reserves the right to decline artworks that do not fall within the field of portraiture, or are deemed inappropriate viewing for children. Entries that do not adhere to the guidelines will not be judged. At delivery, any work that varies from the submitted images will be disqualified.
Delivery and Display
All works must be delivered and picked up, either by the artist or authorized representative, within stated times at Sewell Mill Cultural Center. Artists are required to notify the Sewell Mill Cultural Center if an authorized representative is picking up artwork on their behalf. Authorized representatives will need to provide identification at pickup.
Artwork Removal
PSA Accreditation
Entry Process
Additional Notification Information
Notifications will be emailed and posted in your ShowSubmit account by the end of the day on August 12, 2024.
You may view the notification in your ShowSubmit account by logging in and clicking tapping the Notifications at the top right of the screen, or in your Entry History.
If you do not receive your email, login and view the notification in your account. We cannot respond to inquiries regarding the status of notifications.
Note: Entries made prior to 2023 may not display the View Notification link.
Image and Filename Specifications
- File Format: Submit original, high-quality JPEG image files. Other formats (e.g., PNG, TIFF) are not accepted.
- Crop Your Image: Ensure only the artwork itself is visible in the image. Do not show any visible matting, frames, or background distractions.
- Orientation: Make sure your image is oriented correctly (right side up) so that the artwork appears in its intended viewing direction.
- Image Size: You do not need to resize your image files before uploading. The system will automatically resize them. Smaller images cannot be enlarged to meet the requirements, so ensure your images are high resolution before uploading.
- File Names: You do not need to rename your files before uploading them. The system will handle any file naming requirements.
- File Size: There is a 30mb maximum file size limit. Larger image files will take longer to upload and process.
Additional Entry Information
- You will pay for your entry by credit or debit card using our secure checkout system.
- After your entry is submitted and paid for, you may log back in to review your entry, edit artist and image information, and add or substitute images up until the entry deadline (July 26, 2024.)
- Entry fees are not refundable and must be submitted and paid by the entry deadline.
- Entries cannot be accepted or changed after the deadline. Incomplete entries will be disqualified.
Need Assistance? For questions about the entry process or using this website, please check our Help Center or Entry Guide first for detailed guides and troubleshooting tips. Most answers can be found there quickly.
If you still need help, feel free to email ShowSubmit Support at [email protected], and we’ll respond between 9am and 6pm Eastern Time, Monday to Friday.