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2024 Spring Members Juried Exhibition
All About Pastel April 20 – June 1, 2024 |Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation

Deadline for entry has passed.
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OCAF hours
Tuesday–Saturday 10:00am–4:00pm
Juror of Selection and Awards
Awards for First, Second and Third place, and Honorable Mention will be given in each of the three levels of SPS membership:
- General Member
- Member of Excellence
- SPS Master Level
- Open to all SPS current members. Join or renew membership prior to entering at:
- Paintings may not have been accepted into any previous SPS exhibition. Paintings must have been created in the past 2 years.
- Works must be in dry pastel. No oil pastels. Mixed media must be predominantly dry pastel with the final surface being at least 80% traditional dry pastel.
- Works must be original, painted from life or from your own reference photo or imagination, not copied from other artists or published materials. Any reference provided by an instructor is not eligible, including an instructor-provided photo, still-life set up or model setup.
- Work that was done in a classroom, workshop, or in an online group scenario is not eligible.
- All artwork must be originally drawn and not created on top of any type of photographic image.
- Final sprays or acrylic or other sealants are not acceptable. Pastel fixative is appropriate.
- All subjects and styles are eligible, from traditional to contemporary. Subject matter must be appropriate for viewing by all ages. Tasteful nudes and figure studies are acceptable.
- Images of violence, specific political agenda and pornography will not be accepted per request of the gallery. OCAF and SPS reserve the right to exclude any painting determined to be inappropriate.
- Artwork sent to the show must be exactly the same piece as the photo submitted.
- Work does not have to be for sale. Prices cannot be changed beyond the ShowSubmit submission deadline.
- Mark NFS for paintings not for sale. Paintings that are not for sale must declare a value for insurance purposes.
- For paintings available for sale, the artist will receive 60% of retail price, OCAF will retain 40%. Artists will be issued a check from OCAF within 10 days of the finalization of the sale. The exhibition chair will work with the gallery and artist to facilitate the sale of any painting. Once your painting/paintings have been accepted in the exhibition, consider them committed to the exhibition and all sales should go through OCAF from that time forward and throughout the exhibition. Artists will be notified when painting(s) sell. Sold work cannot be removed before the end of the exhibition. Purchaser shall pay all packing and shipping charges, insurance costs and other handling expenses for the shipping and delivery of artwork purchased by them. It is the responsibility of the artist to make these arrangements prior to packing and shipping the artwork to the buyer.
- Substrate/Surface information for your painting(s) must be included on your entry form (i.e., UART 400, Canson Mi Tientes, etc.).
Entry Fee
- $35 for up to 2 works.
- $10 for each additional work up to 5 works.
Online Entry
Accepted Work
Failure to meet any of the requirements for eligibility will result in the artwork being disqualified. SPS reserves the right to exclude from the exhibition any artwork deemed offensive, or any artwork that violates the laws of the USA.
Shipping Instructions
Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation
Artists are REQUIRED to use made-for-art shipping boxes such as Air Float or Uline. Shipped artwork should arrive at OCAF between April 2 and April 9, no later than 4:00 PM.
Artists MUST include a pre-paid return label in an envelope taped onto the inside lid of the shipping box with the shipped artwork. Please note to the shipper/ FedEx or UPS that artwork is to be picked up by the carrier at Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation. Artwork may Not be picked up before the exhibition closing date.
Failure to Deliver & Previously Accepted Policy
- Duplicate painting(s) identified before jurying will be rejected and the artist cannot replace the painting(s).
- Duplicate painting(s) identified after jurying will remain in the exhibition but will not be eligible for awards.
- Failure to deliver an accepted painting(s) for the exhibition will result in suspension from the next two SPS exhibitions and any accepted works in the current exhibition will not be eligible for an award.
Agreement of Entry & Liability
Submission of entry in this exhibition constitutes agreement with SPS for the following:
- Reproduction rights for this exhibition and SPS and OCAF promotional use.
- Exhibition chair has the final decision for all aspects of the exhibition, including eligibility. All conditions stated in this prospectus will be honored.
Juror of Selection and Awards
Master & Eminent Pastelist
Nancie has spent her lifetime painting in oil & pastel. She was awarded the Master Circle by Int’l Assoc. of Pastel Societies, Eminent Pastelist in 2018, and is a Master Signature member of Pastel Society of America & Chicago Pastel Painters.
Nancie juries, demos & teaches numerous workshops across the US, Italy, France & Croatia. She is on the faculty for the Plein Air Convention, Plein Air South, and the IAPS Convention. IAPS awarded her the Prix de Pastel in 2018. She was the lead juror for the 2019 IAPS Masters’ Show and juried the 2022 PSA Enduring Brilliance Exhibition.
Her work has been featured in Plein Air Magazine, Southwest Art, American Artist, French & Chinese magazines, as well as the cover and several articles in Pastel Journal.
Nancie was a 3-year Instructor of Art at Eastern IL University where she received her MA in Painting two years after completing her BFA in Painting at the University of IL.
She and her husband owned a gallery for 19 years in Chicago’s Lincoln Park/Lakeview. Nancie has owned a framing company since college, and they recently opened a Learning Center & gallery, Art DeTriumph, in their home in Rockford, IL for pastel immersion, where artists can stay. She travels across the US and to Europe to conduct workshops for various Pastel organizations.
Her pastels are included in exhibits in museums in the US, China, and Europe. She was the Guest of Honor of Art Du Pastel En France with a workshop and show of her work in Giverny in May 2022.
April 26, 27, & 28 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday)
Location, times and other details TBA.
Exhibition Chairs and Support
[email protected]
Additional Notification Information
Notifications will be emailed and posted in your ShowSubmit account by the end of the day on March 8, 2024.
You may view the notification in your ShowSubmit account by logging in and clicking tapping the Notifications at the top right of the screen, or in your Entry History.
If you do not receive your email, login and view the notification in your account. We cannot respond to inquiries regarding the status of notifications.
Note: Entries made prior to 2023 may not display the View Notification link.
Image and Filename Specifications
- File Format: Submit original, high-quality JPEG image files. Other formats (e.g., PNG, TIFF) are not accepted.
- Crop Your Image: Ensure only the artwork itself is visible in the image. Do not show any visible matting, frames, or background distractions.
- Orientation: Make sure your image is oriented correctly (right side up) so that the artwork appears in its intended viewing direction.
- Image Size: You do not need to resize your image files before uploading. The system will automatically resize them. Smaller images cannot be enlarged to meet the requirements, so ensure your images are high resolution before uploading.
- File Names: You do not need to rename your files before uploading them. The system will handle any file naming requirements.
- File Size: There is a 30mb maximum file size limit. Larger image files will take longer to upload and process.
Additional Entry Information
- You will pay for your entry by credit or debit card using our secure checkout system.
- After your entry is submitted and paid for, you may log back in to review your entry, edit artist and image information, and add or substitute images up until the entry deadline (February 23, 2024.)
- Entry fees are not refundable and must be submitted and paid by the entry deadline.
- Entries cannot be accepted or changed after the deadline. Incomplete entries will be disqualified.
Need Assistance? For questions about SPS or this Prospectus, please contact Erin ([email protected]).
For technical support or questions about the entry process, first check our Help Center or Entry Guide for detailed guides and troubleshooting tips—most questions are answered there. If you still need help, email ShowSubmit Support at [email protected]. We’ll respond between 9am and 6pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.