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Piedmont Pastel Society
Piedmont Pastel Society

Members Only Online Juried Show

October 28, 2023 – October 28, 2024 | Online
Deadline was October 12th. Members Only.
Sphere with Black Vase by BF Reed
Sphere with Black Vase by BF Reed

Deadline for entry has passed.
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Deadline for entry was October 12, 2023

Juror/Judge of Selection

Terrilynn Dubreuil

Entry Fees

  • Up to four entries can be submitted by each active PPS member.
  • Guaranteed acceptance of at least one painting, with a maximum of two accepted.
  • $25 for two entries
  • $10 for each additional entry up to four


  • First Place $400
  • Second Place $300
  • Third Place $200
  • Piedmont Award $200
    (awarded to a member living within 200 miles of the Piedmont Triad area.)
  • PS of Cape Cod Award $150
  • PSNC Award $150
  • 4 Honorable Mentions $50/each
  • Jack Richeson Pastel Set Awards 
    ($175 value) for
    Best Landscape
    Best Still Life
    Best Portrait/Figurative

Exhibition Requirements


  • Open to all active members of PPS.
  • Active membership constitutes those with fully paid dues prior to October 1, 2023.
  • Members must provide a US mailing address.

  • Soft and/or hard pastel on any surface.
  • Underpainting is permissible, but the top layer of artwork must be a minimum of 80% pastel.
  • Oil Pastels will not be accepted.
Subject Matter

  • The PPS Exhibition committee reserves the right to reject work deemed unsuitable for exhibition online.
Artwork Size

  • There are no size restrictions.

  • All work presented must be original.
  • No images from published or internet photographs – another photographer’s reference material may be used if granted permission in writing.
  • Compositions should not be based on another artist’s work.
  • Paintings executed in a workshop or class under another artist’s supervision are not eligible.
  • Entries that have been shown in previous shows in NC are not allowed.
  • Paintings must have been completed in the last 3 years.
  • Entries that have won previous awards, including Honorable Mention, in any IAPS Member society show are not allowed.


Work may be for sale; NFS is allowed.

Upon request, potential buyers will be informed of artists’ contact information to inquire about purchasing a painting. Artists are encouraged to promote and sell artwork via website or social media. A voluntary donation to PPS of 20% commission from a sale resulting from the show is encouraged.

Juror/Judge of Selection

Terrilynn Dubreuil
Travel and art share a life-enriching and creative partnership in this artist’s life. She has a passion for exploring new places throughout the world and creating original art with a focus on pastel painting, but also uses watercolor, photography, and other media. Color, light, and texture convey a balance between impressionism and realism.

Augmenting a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, she has studied Master level courses and pursued opportunities to expand personal knowledge and creative resources. She has been teaching various media and techniques for thirty-five years, including many Pastel Societies, the Asheville Art Museum and other studios. She’s a founding member of the International Pastel Teacher’s group: PATIO.

Terrilynn is a Signature Member of the Pastel Society of America (PSA), an active member and volunteer of the International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS), Signature and Vice President of the Pastel Society of Maine (PSME) and the Appalachian Pastel Society (APS), and various other international organizations. She exhibits and sells artwork in diverse venues, has received multiple top awards at juried International Shows. To date the artist has traveled or lived in fourteen countries, speaks 3 languages, and lives in Asheville, NC. She presents demos, mentorships, and fine art instruction through her PATREON, YouTube Channel and other venues.


If there are questions about the exhibition or this prospectus, please contact the Online Show Chair, Kathy Pruett at [email protected]. For questions about the ShowSubmit system, see the Support section below.

Additional Notification Information

Notifications will be emailed and posted in your ShowSubmit account by the end of the day on October 20, 2023.

You may view the notification in your ShowSubmit account by logging in and tapping the Notifications at the top right of the screen, or in your Entry History.

If you do not receive your email, login and view the notification in your account. We cannot respond to inquiries regarding the status of notifications.

Note: Entries made prior to 2023 may not display the View Notification link.

Image and Filename Specifications

  • File Format: Submit original, high-quality JPEG image files. Other formats (e.g., PNG, TIFF) are not accepted.
  • Crop Your Image: Ensure only the artwork itself is visible in the image. Do not show any visible matting, frames, or background distractions.
  • Orientation: Make sure your image is oriented correctly (right side up) so that the artwork appears in its intended viewing direction.
  • Image Size: You do not need to resize your image files before uploading. The system will automatically resize them. Smaller images cannot be enlarged to meet the requirements, so ensure your images are high resolution before uploading.
  • File Names: You do not need to rename your files before uploading them. The system will handle any file naming requirements.
  • File Size: There is a 30mb maximum file size limit. Larger image files will take longer to upload and process.

Additional Entry Information

  • You will pay for your entry by credit or debit card using our secure checkout system.
  • After your entry is submitted and paid for, you may log back in to review your entry, edit artist and image information, and add or substitute images up until the entry deadline (October 12, 2023.)
  • Entry fees are not refundable and must be submitted and paid by the entry deadline.
  • Entries cannot be accepted or changed after the deadline. Incomplete entries will be disqualified.


Need Assistance? For questions about PPS or this Prospectus, please contact Kathy Pruett ([email protected]).

For technical support or questions about the entry process, first check our Help Center or Entry Guide for detailed guides and troubleshooting tips—most questions are answered there. If you still need help, email ShowSubmit Support at [email protected]. We’ll respond between 9am and 6pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.